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     archive_write_new, archive_write_set_format_cpio,
     archive_write_set_format_pax, archive_write_set_format_pax_restricted,
     archive_write_set_format_shar, archive_write_set_format_shar_binary,
     archive_write_set_format_ustar, archive_write_set_bytes_per_block,
     archive_write_set_bytes_in_last_block, archive_write_set_compressor_gzip,
     archive_write_set_compressor_bzip2, archive_write_open,
     archive_write_open_fd, archive_write_open_file, archive_write_prepare,
     archive_write_header, archive_write_data, archive_write_close,
     archive_write_finish -- functions for creating archives


     #include <archive.h>

     struct archive *

     archive_write_set_bytes_per_block(archive *, int bytes_per_block);

     archive_write_set_bytes_in_last_block(archive *, int);

     archive_write_set_compressor_gzip(struct archive *);

     archive_write_set_compressor_bzip2(struct archive *);

     archive_write_set_format_cpio(struct archive *);

     archive_write_set_format_pax(struct archive *);

     archive_write_set_format_pax_restricted(struct archive *);

     archive_write_set_format_shar(struct archive *);

     archive_write_set_format_shar_binary(struct archive *);

     archive_write_set_format_ustar(struct archive *);

     archive_write_open(struct archive *, void *client_data,
	 archive_open_archive_callback *, archive_write_archive_callback *,
	 archive_close_archive_callback *);

     archive_write_open_fd(struct archive *, int fd);

     archive_write_open_file(struct archive *, const char *filename);
     archive_write_close(struct archive *);

     archive_write_finish(struct archive *);


     These functions provide a complete API for creating streaming archive
     files.  The general process is to first create the struct archive object,
     set any desired options, initialize the archive, append entries, then
     close the archive and release all resources.  The following summary
     describes the functions in approximately the order they are ordinarily

	     Allocates and initializes a struct archive object suitable for
	     writing a tar archive.

	     Sets the block size used for writing the archive data.  Every
	     call to the write callback function, except possibly the last
	     one, will use this value for the length.  The third parameter is
	     a boolean that specifies whether or not the final block written
	     will be padded to the full block size.  If it is zero, the last
	     block will not be padded.	If it is non-zero, padding will be
	     added both before and after compression.  The default is to use a
	     block size of 10240 bytes and to pad the last block.

	     Sets the block size used for writing the last block.  If this
	     value is zero, the last block will be padded to the same size as
	     the other blocks.	Otherwise, the final block will be padded to a
	     multiple of this size.  In particular, setting it to 1 will cause
	     the final block to not be padded.	For compressed output, any
	     padding generated by this option is applied only after the com-
	     pression.	The uncompressed data is always unpadded.  The default
	     is to pad the last block to the full block size (note that
	     archive_write_open_file() will set this based on the file type).
	     Unlike the other ``set'' functions, this function can be called
	     after the archive is opened.

     archive_write_set_format_cpio(), archive_write_set_format_pax(),
	     Sets the format that will be used for the archive.  The library
	     can write POSIX octet-oriented cpio format archives, POSIX-stan-
	     dard ``pax interchange'' format archives, traditional ``shar''
	     archives, enhanced ``binary'' shar archives that store a variety
	     of file attributes and handle binary files, and POSIX-standard
	     ``ustar'' archives.  The pax interchange format is a backwards-
	     compatible tar format that adds key/value attributes to each
	     entry and supports arbitrary filenames, linknames, uids, sizes,
	     etc.  ``Restricted pax interchange format'' is the library
	     default; this is the same as pax format, but suppresses the pax
	     extended header for most normal files.  In most cases, this will
	     result in ordinary ustar archives.

	     accepts pointers to three callback functions which will be
	     invoked by the compression layer to write the constructed ar-
	     chive.  In order to support external compression programs, the
	     compression is permitted to fork and invoke the callbacks from a
	     separate process.	In particular, clients should not assume that
	     they can communicate between the callbacks and the mainline code
	     using shared variables.  (The standard gzip, bzip2, and "none"
	     compression methods do not fork.)

	     A convenience form of archive_write_open() that accepts a file

	     A convenience form of archive_write_open() that accepts a file-
	     name.  A NULL argument indicates that the output should be writ-
	     ten to standard output; an argument of ``-'' will open a file
	     with that name.  If you have not invoked
	     archive_write_set_bytes_in_last_block(), then
	     archive_write_open_file() will adjust the last-block padding
	     depending on the file: it will enable padding when writing to
	     standard output or to a character or block device node, it will
	     disable padding otherwise.  You can override this by manually
	     invoking archive_write_set_bytes_in_last_block() either before or
	     after calling archive_write_open().

	     Build and write a header using the data in the provided struct
	     archive_entry structure.

	     Write data corresponding to the header just written.  Returns
	     number of bytes written or -1 on error.

	     Complete the archive and invoke the close callback.

	     Invokes archive_write_close() if it was not invoked manually,
	     then release all resources.
     More information about the struct archive object and the overall design
     of the library can be found in the libarchive(3) overview.


     Compression support is built-in to libarchive, which uses zlib and bzlib
     to handle gzip and bzip2 compression, respectively.


     To use this library, you will need to define and register callback func-
     tions that will be invoked to write data to the resulting archive.  These
     functions are registered by calling archive_write_open():

	   typedef int archive_open_archive_callback(struct archive *, void

     The open callback is invoked by archive_write_open().  It should return
     ARCHIVE_OK if the underlying file or data source is successfully opened.
     If the open fails, it should call archive_set_error() to register an
     is especially critical when writing archives to tape drives.  On success,
     the write callback should return the number of bytes actually written.
     On error, the callback should invoke archive_set_error() to register an
     error code and message and return -1.

	   typedef int archive_close_archive_callback(struct archive *, void

     The close callback is invoked by archive_close when the archive process-
     ing is complete.  The callback should return ARCHIVE_OK on success.  On
     failure, the callback should invoke archive_set_error() to register an
     error code and message and regurn ARCHIVE_FATAL.


     The following sketch illustrates basic usage of the library.  In this
     example, the callback functions are simply wrappers around the standard
     open(2), write(2), and close(2) system calls.

	   write_archive(const char **filename)
	     struct mydata *mydata = malloc(sizeof(struct mydata));
	     struct archive *a;
	     struct archive_entry *entry;
	     struct stat st;
	     char buff[8192];
	     int len;

	     a = archive_write_new();
	     mydata->name = name;
	     archive_write_open(a, mydata, myopen, mywrite, myclose);
	     while (*filename) {
	       stat(*filename, &st);
	       entry = archive_entry_new();
	       archive_entry_copy_stat(entry, &st);
	       archive_entry_set_pathname(entry, *filename);
	       archive_write_header(a, entry);
	       fd = open(*filename, O_RDONLY);
	       len = read(fd, buff, sizeof(buff));
	       while ( len >= 0 ) {
		   archive_write_data(a, buff, len);
		   len = read(fd, buff, sizeof(buff));

	   myopen(struct archive *a, void *client_data)
	     struct mydata *mydata = client_data;

	     mydata->fd = open(mydata->name, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0644);
	     return (mydata->fd >= 0);


	   myclose(struct archive *a, void *client_data)
	     struct mydata *mydata = client_data;

	     if (mydata->fd > 0)
	     return (0);


     Most functions return zero on success, non-zero on error.	The
     archive_errno() and archive_error_string() functions can be used to
     retrieve an appropriate error code and a textual error message.

     archive_write_new() returns a pointer to a newly-allocated struct archive

     archive_write_data() returns a count of the number of bytes actually
     written.  On error, -1 is returned and the archive_errno() and
     archive_error_string() functions will return appropriate values.  Note
     that if the client-provided write callback function returns a non-zero
     value, that error will be propagated back to the caller through whatever
     API function resulted in that call, which may include
     archive_write_header(), archive_write_data(), or archive_write_close().
     The client callback can call archive_set_error() to provide values that
     can then be retrieved by archive_errno() and archive_error_string().


     tar(1), libarchive(3), tar(5)


     The libarchive library first appeared in FreeBSD 5.3.


     The libarchive library was written by Tim Kientzle <kientzle@acm.org>.


     There are many peculiar bugs in historic tar implementations that may
     cause certain programs to reject archives written by this library.  For
     example, several historic implementations calculated header checksums
     incorrectly and will thus reject valid archives; GNU tar does not fully
     support pax interchange format; some old tar implementations required
     specific field terminations.

     The default pax interchange format eliminates most of the historic tar
     limitations and provides a generic key/value attribute facility for ven-
     dor-defined extensions.  One oversight in POSIX is the failure to provide
     a standard attribute for large device numbers.  This library uses
     ``SCHILY.devminor'' and ``SCHILY.devmajor'' for device numbers that
     exceed the range supported by the backwards-compatible ustar header.
     These keys are compatible with Joerg Schilling's star archiver.  Other
     implementations may not recognize these keys and will thus be unable to
     correctly restore large device numbers archived by this library.

FreeBSD 5.4			January 8, 2005 		   FreeBSD 5.4


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