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     reboot, halt, fastboot, fasthalt -- stopping and restarting the system


     halt [-lnqp] [-k kernel]
     reboot [-dlnqp] [-k kernel]
     fasthalt [-lnqp] [-k kernel]
     fastboot [-dlnqp] [-k kernel]


     The halt and reboot utilities flush the file system cache to disk, send
     all running processes a SIGTERM (and subsequently a SIGKILL) and, respec-
     tively, halt or restart the system.  The action is logged, including
     entering a shutdown record into the wtmp(5) file.

     The options are as follows:

     -d      The system is requested to create a crash dump.  This option is
	     supported only when rebooting, and it has no effect unless a dump
	     device has previously been specified with dumpon(8).

     -k kernel
	     Boot the specified kernel on the next system boot.  If the kernel
	     boots successfully, the default kernel will be booted on succes-
	     sive boots, this is a one-shot option.  If the boot fails, the
	     system will continue attempting to boot kernel until the boot
	     process is interrupted and a valid kernel booted.	This may
	     change in the future.

     -l      The halt or reboot is not logged to the system log.  This option
	     is intended for applications such as shutdown(8), that call
	     reboot or halt and log this themselves.

     -n      The file system cache is not flushed.  This option should proba-
	     bly not be used.

     -q      The system is halted or restarted quickly and ungracefully, and
	     only the flushing of the file system cache is performed (if the
	     -n option is not specified).  This option should probably not be

     -p      The system will turn off the power if it can.  If the power down
	     action fails, the system will halt or reboot normally, depending
	     on whether halt or reboot was called.

     The fasthalt and fastboot utilities are nothing more than aliases for the
     halt and reboot utilities.

     Normally, the shutdown(8) utility is used when the system needs to be
     halted or restarted, giving users advance warning of their impending doom
     and cleanly terminating specific programs.


     wtmp(5), boot(8), dumpon(8), savecore(8), shutdown(8), sync(8)


     A reboot utility appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX.


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