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     localeconv -- natural language formatting for C


     Standard C Library (libc, -lc)


     #include <locale.h>

     struct lconv *


     The localeconv() function returns a pointer to a structure which provides
     parameters for formatting numbers, especially currency values:

	   struct lconv {
		   char    *decimal_point;
		   char    *thousands_sep;
		   char    *grouping;
		   char    *int_curr_symbol;
		   char    *currency_symbol;
		   char    *mon_decimal_point;
		   char    *mon_thousands_sep;
		   char    *mon_grouping;
		   char    *positive_sign;
		   char    *negative_sign;
		   char    int_frac_digits;
		   char    frac_digits;
		   char    p_cs_precedes;
		   char    p_sep_by_space;
		   char    n_cs_precedes;
		   char    n_sep_by_space;
		   char    p_sign_posn;
		   char    n_sign_posn;
		   char    int_p_cs_precedes;
		   char    int_n_cs_precedes;
		   char    int_p_sep_by_space;
		   char    int_n_sep_by_space;
		   char    int_p_sign_posn;
		   char    int_n_sign_posn;

     The individual fields have the following meanings:

     decimal_point	The decimal point character, except for currency val-
			ues, cannot be an empty string.

     thousands_sep	The separator between groups of digits before the dec-
			imal point, except for currency values.

     grouping		The sizes of the groups of digits, except for currency
			values.  This is a pointer to a vector of integers,
			each of size char, representing group size from low
			order digit groups to high order (right to left).  The
			list may be terminated with 0 or CHAR_MAX.  If the
			list is terminated with 0, the last group size before
     mon_decimal_point	The decimal point character for currency values.

     mon_thousands_sep	The separator for digit groups in currency values.

     mon_grouping	Like grouping but for currency values.

     positive_sign	The character used to denote nonnegative currency val-
			ues, usually the empty string.

     negative_sign	The character used to denote negative currency values,
			usually a minus sign.

     int_frac_digits	The number of digits after the decimal point in an
			international-style currency value.

     frac_digits	The number of digits after the decimal point in the
			local style for currency values.

     p_cs_precedes	1 if the currency symbol precedes the currency value
			for nonnegative values, 0 if it follows.

     p_sep_by_space	1 if a space is inserted between the currency symbol
			and the currency value for nonnegative values, 0 oth-

     n_cs_precedes	Like p_cs_precedes but for negative values.

     n_sep_by_space	Like p_sep_by_space but for negative values.

     p_sign_posn	The location of the positive_sign with respect to a
			nonnegative quantity and the currency_symbol, coded as

			0    Parentheses around the entire string.
			1    Before the string.
			2    After the string.
			3    Just before currency_symbol.
			4    Just after currency_symbol.

     n_sign_posn	Like p_sign_posn but for negative currency values.

     int_p_cs_precedes	Same as p_cs_precedes, but for internationally format-
			ted monetary quantities.

     int_n_cs_precedes	Same as n_cs_precedes, but for internationally format-
			ted monetary quantities.

			Same as p_sep_by_space, but for internationally for-
			matted monetary quantities.

			Same as n_sep_by_space, but for internationally for-
			matted monetary quantities.

     int_p_sign_posn	Same as p_sign_posn, but for internationally formatted
			monetary quantities.

     The localeconv() function returns a pointer to a static object which may
     be altered by later calls to setlocale(3) or localeconv().


     No errors are defined.


     setlocale(3), strfmon(3)


     The localeconv() function conforms to ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (``ISO C99'').


     The localeconv() function first appeared in 4.4BSD.

FreeBSD 5.4		       November 21, 2003		   FreeBSD 5.4


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