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     rtquery -- query routing daemons for their routing tables


     rtquery [-np1] [-w timeout] [-r addr] [-a secret] host ...
     rtquery [-t op] host ...


     The rtquery utility is used to query a RIP network routing daemon, such
     as routed(8), for its routing table by sending a request or poll command.
     The routing information in any routing response packets returned is dis-
     played numerically and symbolically.

     The rtquery utility by default uses the request command.  When the -p
     option is specified, rtquery uses the poll command, an undocumented
     extension to the RIP protocol supported by the commercial gated routing
     product.  When querying gated, the poll command is preferred over the
     request command because the response is not subject to Split Horizon
     and/or Poisoned Reverse, and because some versions of gated do not answer
     the request command.  The routed(8) utility does not answer the poll com-
     mand, but recognizes requests coming from rtquery and so answers com-

     The rtquery utility is also used to turn tracing on or off in routed(8).

     The following options are available:

     -n      displays only the numeric network and host numbers instead of
	     both numeric and symbolic.

     -p      uses the poll command to request full routing information from
	     gated.  This is an undocumented extension RIP protocol supported
	     only by gated.

     -1      queries using RIP version 1 instead of RIP version 2.

     -w timeout
	     changes the delay for an answer from each host.  By default, each
	     host is given 15 seconds to respond.

     -r addr
	     asks about the route to destination addr.

     -a passwd=XXX

     -a md5_passwd=XXX|KeyID
	     causes the query to be sent with the indicated cleartext or MD5

     -t op   changes tracing, where op is one of the following.  Requests from
	     processes not running with UID 0 or on distant networks are gen-
	     erally ignored by the daemon except for a message in the system
	     log.  gated is likely to ignore these debugging requests.

		       turns tracing on into the specified file.  That file
		       must usually have been specified when the daemon was



     Routing Information Protocol, RIPv1, RFC1058.

     Routing Information Protocol, RIPv2, RFC1723.

FreeBSD 5.4			 June 1, 1996			   FreeBSD 5.4


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