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Lists a VOB's type objects


ProductCommand type
ClearCasecleartool subcommand
ClearCase LTcleartool subcommand



  • List type objects:
    lstype [ –local ] [ –l·ong | –s·hort | –fmt format-string ]
    [ –obs·olete ]
    { –kin·d type-kind [ –inv·ob vob-selector ]
    | type-selector ...

  • On Windows only—List type objects graphically:
    lstype –g·raphical [ –kin·d type-kind ] [ –inv·ob vob-selector ]


The lstype command lists information about one or more of a VOB's type objects.

Obsolete Type Objects

Type objects can be rendered obsolete with the lock –xxtype –obsolete command. lstype lists an obsolete type object only if you either specify its name with a type-name argument or use the –obsolete option.




Listing Type Objects Graphically

Lists type objects in the command window.

Starts a type object browser to display type objects.

Listing Local Copies of Global Types

In addition to types in the specified VOB, lstype lists all global types in associated administrative VOBs.

Lists ordinary types and local copies of global types.

Listing Format

A type object listing looks like this:

07-Nov-1998     sakai     element type "text_file"

Expands the listing to include any type-specific parameters (for example, that a label type is one-per-element or that an element type inherited its type manager from the text_file supertype and so on.)

For attribute types, hyperlink types, and label types, lstype –long shows the instance mastership of the type (whether the type's mastership can be shared by multiple replicas), even if the VOB is not replicated.

Restricts the listing to type names only.

–fmt format-string
Lists information using the specified format string.

Listing Obsolete Types

If you don't specify any type-name argument, only the nonobsolete types of the specified kind are listed.

Includes obsolete type objects in the listing when you don't specify any individual type objects with type-name arguments. Has no effect if you specify one or more type-name arguments.

Specifying the Kind of Type Object


–kin·d type-kind
A kind of type object. All objects of this kind are listed. type-kind can be one of:

attype, brtype, eltype, hltype, lbtype, trtype

Specifying the VOB

Lists type objects in the VOB that contains the current working directory.

–inv·ob vob-selector
The VOB whose type objects are to be listed. Specify vob-selector in the form [vob:] pname-in-vob.
pname-in-vob Pathname of the VOB tag (whether or not the VOB is mounted) or of any file system object within the VOB (if the VOB is mounted)

Specifying Individual Type Objects.


type-selector ...
One or more names of type objects. The listing includes only the named objects. Specify type-selector in the form [type-kind:] type-name[@vob-selector]
type-kind One of
attype Attribute type
brtype Branch type
eltype Element type
hltype Hyperlink type
lbtype Label type
trtype Trigger type
type-name Name of the type object.
vob-selector Object-selector for a VOB, in the same format as with –invob, above.


The UNIX examples in this section are written for use in csh. If you use another shell, you may need to use different quoting and escaping conventions.

The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you may need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.

In cleartool single-command mode, cmd-context represents the UNIX shell or Windows command interpreter prompt, followed by the cleartool command. In cleartool interactive mode, cmd-context represents the interactive cleartool prompt.

Note: In the UNIX examples that follow, arguments and output that show multicomponent VOB tags are not applicable to ClearCase LT, which recognizes only single-component VOB tags. In this manual, a multicomponent VOB tag is by convention a two-component VOB tag of the form /vobs/vob-tag-leaf—for example, /vobs/src. A single-component VOB tag consists of a leaf only—for example, /src. In all other respects, the examples are valid for ClearCase LT.

  • List all branch types defined in the VOB containing the current working directory.

    cmd-context lstype –kind brtype 
    15-Dec.09:34   jenny       branch type "main"
     "Predefined branch type used to represent the main branch of elements."
    08-Dec.12:12   jackson     branch type "test"
     "test development branch"
    08-Dec.12:12   jackson     branch type "patch2"
    08-Dec.12:12   jackson     branch type "patch3"
    08-Dec.12:12   jackson     branch type "rel2_bugfix"

  • List all label types defined in the current VOB. Use the short format, and include obsolete label types.

    cmd-context lstype –kind lbtype –obsolete –short 
    REL1 (obsolete)
    V2.7.1 (obsolete)

    Note that the listing includes the three predefined label types, BACKSTOP, LATEST, and CHECKEDOUT.

  • List information about a particular user-defined element type, in long format.

    cmd-context lstype –long eltype:c_source 
    element type "c_source"
     08-Dec-98.12:12:38 by Chuck Jackson (test user) (jackson.dvt@oxygen)
     owner: jackson
     group: dvt
     scope: this VOB (ordinary type)
     type manager: text_file_delta (inherited from type "text_file")
     supertype: text_file
     meta-type of element: file element

  • List information about a particular trigger type, in long format.

    cmd-context lstype –long trtype:trig1 
    trigger type "trig1"
     08-Dec-98.12:14:08 by jackson.dvt@oxygen
     owner: jackson
     group: dvt
     element trigger
     pre-operation MODIFY_ELEM
     action: -exec checkcmt

  • List information about a particular hyperlink type.

    cmd-context lstype –long hltype:design_spec 
       hyperlink type "design_spec"
     08-Dec-98.12:13:31 by Chuck Jackson (test user) (jackson.dvt@oxygen)
     "source to design document"
    instance mastership: unshared
     owner: jackson
     group: dvt
     scope: this VOB (ordinary type)

  • List the name, lock status, master replica, and scope of all label types in the VOB /vobs/stage. (The command line, including the quoted format string, constitutes a single input line. The input line below is broken to improve readability. Spaces are significant.)

    cmd-context lstype –fmt "%n\n\tLock status: %[locked]p\n\tMaster replica: %[master]p\n\tScope: %[type_scope]p\n" -kind lbtype 
    Lock status: unlocked
    Master replica: lex
    Scope: ordinary
    Lock status: locked
    Master replica: lex
    Scope: global
    Lock status: unlocked
    Master replica: doc_clone
    Scope: ordinary
    Lock status: unlocked
    Master replica: doc_clone
    Scope: ordinary

  • List the name, kind, and creation comment of a particular trigger type.

    cmd-context lstype -fmt "%n\t%[trigger_kind]p\n\t%c" trtype:cmnt 
    cmnt     element trigger
         prompt user for comment


describe, fmt_ccase, rmtype, rename, Administrator's Guide



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