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cleartool user profile: .clearcase_profile


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command_name  flag 


The cleartool user profile (.clearcase_profile) is an ordered set of rules that determine certain command option defaults for one or more cleartool commands. An option you supply in a command line overrides the command option default specified in .clearcase_profile.

For example, many cleartool commands accept user comments with the –c, –cfile, –cq, –cqe, or –nc option. If you specify none of these options, cleartool invokes one of them by default. The option invoked is different for each command, but is always one of –cq, –cqe, or –nc. If cleartool finds a file named .clearcase_profile in your home directory, it checks to see whether the file contains a comment rule that applies to the current command. If so, it invokes the comment option indicated by that rule. No error occurs if this file does not exist; cleartool invokes the command's standard comment default.

An alternative name for the user profile can be specified with the environment variable CLEARCASE_PROFILE. Its value must be a full pathname.

How cleartool Selects a Rule

For a given command, cleartool consults the user profile to determine which rule, if any, applies to a command. The method is similar to the one used by the view_server process to evaluate a config spec:

  1. cleartool examines the first rule in the user profile and decides whether it applies to the specified command.
  2. If the rule does not apply, cleartool goes on to the next rule in the file; it repeats this step for each succeeding rule until the last one.
  3. If no rule applies, cleartool invokes the standard default for the command option.

cleartool uses the first rule that applies. Therefore, the order of rules in the user profile is significant. For example, to ensure that you are always prompted for a comment when you create a directory element, you must place a rule for the mkdir command before any more general rule that may also apply to mkdir, such as * –nc.

Rule Syntax

Rules must be placed on separate lines. Extra white space (space, tab) is ignored.

Comments begin with a number sign (#). For example:

#element rules 
mkelem -cqe     #prompt for comment for each new element being created 

Each rule consists of two tokens, separated by white space:

command_name     flag

Comment Rules

When specifying a comment rule:

  • command_name must be one of these or an asterisk (*), which matches all of them:












  • flag must be one –nc, –cqe, or –cq. The –c and –cfile options are not valid here.

If you do not provide a comment rule for one of these commands, cleartool uses –cqe as its default comment option. cleartool uses –nc as the default for all other commands that accept comments.

Rules for Checked-Out Version States

When specifying a rule for the state of a checked-out version:

  • command_name must be checkout.
  • flag must be -reserved or -unreserved.

If one rule only is specified, all checkouts are reserved or unreserved by default. If the rules are specified as

checkout -reserved
checkout -unreserved

then a reserved checkout is attempted. If there is a conflict, an unreserved checkout is performed.

Rule for Interactive Resolution of Checkout Problems

When specifying the rule for the interactive resolution of checkout problems:

  • command_name must be checkout.
  • flag must be -query.

When this rule is specified, you are queried about how to proceed when checkout encounters certain kinds of checkout problems.


  • Never prompt for a comment.

    * –nc 

  • During a checkin operation, prompt for a comment for each element. During a make directory operation, prompt for a single comment to be applied to all the new directories. In all other cases, do not prompt at all.
    checkin –cqe
    mkdir –cq
    * –nc
  • Make all checkouts unreserved.

    checkout -unreserved

  • Ask how to proceed in the event of a checkout problem.

    checkout -query



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