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     builtin, alias, alloc, bg, bind, bindkey, break, breaksw, builtins, case,
     cd, chdir, command, complete, continue, default, dirs, do, done, echo,
     echotc, elif, else, end, endif, endsw, esac, eval, exec, exit, export,
     false, fc, fg, filetest, fi, for, foreach, getopts, glob, goto, hash,
     hashstat, history, hup, if, jobid, jobs, kill, limit, log, login, logout,
     ls-F, nice, nohup, notify, onintr, popd, printenv, pushd, pwd, read,
     readonly, rehash, repeat, sched, set, setenv, settc, setty, setvar,
     shift, source, stop, suspend, switch, telltc, test, then, time, trap,
     true, type, ulimit, umask, unalias, uncomplete, unhash, unlimit, unset,
     unsetenv, until, wait, where, which, while -- shell builtin commands


     builtin [-options] [args ...]


     Shell builtin commands are commands that can be executed within the run-
     ning shell's process.  Note that, in the case of csh(1) builtin commands,
     the command is executed in a subshell if it occurs as any component of a
     pipeline except the last.

     If a command specified to the shell contains a slash ``/'', the shell
     will not execute a builtin command, even if the last component of the
     specified command matches the name of a builtin command.  Thus, while
     specifying ``echo'' causes a builtin command to be executed under shells
     that support the builtin echo command, specifying ``/bin/echo'' or
     ``./echo'' does not.

     While some builtin commands may exist in more than one shell, their oper-
     ation may be different under each shell which supports them.  Below is a
     table which lists shell builtin commands, the standard shells that sup-
     port them and whether they exist as standalone utilities.

     Only builtin commands for the csh(1) and sh(1) shells are listed here.
     Commands marked ``No**'' under External do exist externally, but are
     implemented as scripts using a builtin command of the same name.  Consult
     a shell's manual page for details on the operation its builtin commands.
     Users of other shells may need to consult an info(1) page or other
     sources of documentation.

	   Command	 External    csh(1)    sh(1)
	   alias	 Yes	     Yes       Yes
	   alloc	 No	     Yes       No
	   bg		 No**	     Yes       Yes
	   bind 	 No	     No        Yes
	   bindkey	 No	     Yes       No
	   break	 No	     Yes       Yes
	   breaksw	 No	     Yes       No
	   builtin	 No	     No        Yes
	   builtins	 No	     Yes       No
	   case 	 No	     Yes       Yes
	   cd		 No**	     Yes       Yes
	   chdir	 No	     Yes       Yes
			 No	     No        Yes
	   complete	 No	     Yes       No
	   continue	 No	     Yes       Yes
	   default	 No	     Yes       No
	   endif	 No	     Yes       No
	   endsw	 No	     Yes       No
	   esac 	 No	     No        Yes
	   eval 	 No	     Yes       Yes
	   exec 	 No	     Yes       Yes
	   exit 	 No	     Yes       Yes
	   export	 No	     No        Yes
	   false	 Yes	     No        Yes
	   fc		 No**	     No        Yes
	   fg		 No**	     Yes       Yes
	   filetest	 No	     Yes       No
	   fi		 No	     No        Yes
	   for		 No	     No        Yes
	   foreach	 No	     Yes       No
	   getopts	 No**	     No        Yes
	   glob 	 No	     Yes       No
	   goto 	 No	     Yes       No
	   hash 	 No	     No        Yes
	   hashstat	 No	     Yes       No
	   history	 No	     Yes       No
	   hup		 No	     Yes       No
	   if		 No	     Yes       Yes
	   jobid	 No	     No        Yes
	   jobs 	 No**	     Yes       Yes
	   kill 	 Yes	     Yes       No
	   limit	 No	     Yes       No
	   log		 No	     Yes       No
	   login	 Yes	     Yes       No
	   logout	 No	     Yes       No
	   ls-F 	 No	     Yes       No
	   nice 	 Yes	     Yes       No
	   nohup	 Yes	     Yes       No
	   notify	 No	     Yes       No
	   onintr	 No	     Yes       No
	   popd 	 No	     Yes       No
	   printenv	 Yes	     Yes       No
	   pushd	 No	     Yes       No
	   pwd		 Yes	     No        Yes
	   read 	 No**	     No        Yes
	   readonly	 No	     No        Yes
	   rehash	 No	     Yes       No
	   repeat	 No	     Yes       No
	   sched	 No	     Yes       No
	   set		 No	     Yes       Yes
	   setenv	 No	     Yes       No
	   settc	 No	     Yes       No
	   setty	 No	     Yes       No
	   setvar	 No	     No        Yes
	   shift	 No	     Yes       Yes
	   source	 No	     Yes       No
	   stop 	 No	     Yes       No
	   suspend	 No	     Yes       No
	   switch	 No	     Yes       No
	   telltc	 No	     Yes       No
	   test 	 Yes	     No        Yes
	   then 	 No	     No        Yes
	   time 	 Yes	     Yes       No
	   trap 	 No	     No        Yes
	   unset	 No	     Yes       Yes
	   unsetenv	 No	     Yes       No
	   until	 No	     No        Yes
	   wait 	 No**	     Yes       Yes
	   where	 No	     Yes       No
	   which	 Yes	     Yes       No
	   while	 No	     Yes       Yes


     csh(1), echo(1), false(1), info(1), kill(1), login(1), nice(1), nohup(1),
     printenv(1), pwd(1), sh(1), test(1), time(1), true(1), which(1)


     The builtin manual page first appeared in FreeBSD 3.4.


     This manual page was written by Sheldon Hearn <sheldonh@FreeBSD.org>.

FreeBSD 5.4		       February 23, 2005		   FreeBSD 5.4


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