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  nsr (1)
  nsr (5)
   - Windows Only


(windows only)

nsrperf - install Microsoft Performance Monitor objects


       nsrperf [ -y | ] [ -n ]


	The nsrperf command is provided as a NetWorker utility under Windows.


	nsrperf is a command used to install the Microsoft Performance Monitor
	objects and counters associated	with Networker. The nsrperf command
	will initialize the registry as required. After doing so you will be able
	to see and use several useful objects via the Microsoft Performance Monitor.
	With NetWorker 7.0, there are two objects that are added, device counters that
	show NetWorker device performance data, and session	counters that show
	NetWorker session performance data.

	NetWorker Device Counters
	Write kilobyte / sec is the instanteous backup transfer rate.
	Session is the number of backup sessions.
	Amount is the amount of data backed up.
	Number of Error is the number of error.

	NetWorker Session Counters
	Write kilobyte / sec is the instanteous transfer rate of the session.
	Amount is the amount of data backed up.


	-y	Enables the Microsoft Performance Monitor objects and counters
	 	associated with Networker.
	-n	Disables the Microsoft Performance Monitor objects and counters 
	 	associated with Networker. This is the default, if the command
	 	is used without options.


NetWorker for Windows

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