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  nsr (1)
  nsr (5)
   - Windows Only


nsrretrieve - retrieve NetWorker archive save sets


       nsrretrieve [ -fnqu ] [ -i {nNyYrR} ] [ -d destination ]
                   [ -s server ] { [ -S ssid[/cloneid] ]...
                   [ -A annotation ]... } [ path ...  ]


       nsrretrieve  is  used  to  restore  archive  save sets from a NetWorker
       server.  No browsing is available via nsrretrieve.  Use of  nsrretrieve
       is  restricted  to listed administrators and users of an archive client
       resource.  See the nsr_client(5) man page for  further  details.   When
       not  running  as  root,  only  the  files  that  the  user  owns can be

       When no path arguments are specified, the entire save set contents will
       be  retrieved.  To restrict the archive save set retrieval to only par-
       ticular directories or files matching a given path prefix, exact match-
       ing  path's  can  be specified to limit which directories and files are


       -A annotation
              The annotation is a regular expression which uniquely identifies
              a  single  archive  save  set.   See nsrarchive(1).  The regular
              expression is as used by grep(1).  At least  one  annotation  or
              ssid (see below) must be specified.

       -S ssid[/cloneid]
              The  ssid  specifies  the  save  set IDs for the save sets to be
              retrieved.  When there  are  multiple  clone  instances  for  an
              archive save set, you can specify the cloneid to select the par-
              ticular clone instance to be retrieved.  At least one annotation
              (see above) or ssid must be specified.

       -d destination
              Specifies the destination directory to relocate retrieved files.

       -s server
              Selects which NetWorker server to use.

       -q     The nsrretrieve command normally runs with verbose output.  This
              flag turns off the verbose output.

       -f     Indicates  that  retrieved  files  will overwrite existing files
              whenever a name conflict occurs.

       -n     Does not actually create any directories or files while retriev-

       -i {nNyYrR}
              Specifies  the  initial  default  overwrite response to use when
              retrieving files and the file already exists.  You  may  specify
              only  one letter.  This option is the same as the uasm -i option


       grep(1), nsrarchive(1), nsr_client(5), nsr_service(5), nsr(1), nsrd(1),


   Exit Codes
       0      Normal exit.  This means that all of the requested data was suc-
              cessfully retrieved.
       <>0    Abnormal exit.

       The nsrretrieve command reports invalid options by printing a 'usage'
       message describing the available options.

       Cannot contact media database on server
              This message indicates that some problem  was  encountered  con-
              necting to the NetWorker server on the named machine.

       cannot retrieve backup save sets
              The nsrretrieve command can only be used to restore archive save
              set data.

       cannot retrieve migration save sets
              The nsrretrieve command can only be used to restore archive save
              set data.

       more than one saveset have the annotation
              The specified annotation matched more than one archive save set.
              Use nwretrieve(1m) for retrieving save set that  has  non-unique
              annotation key.

       cannot find saveset with unique annotation
              The specified annotation matched no archive save set.


Legato NetWorker 7.x

Man(1) output converted with man2html, sed, awk


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